To choose our porject's song we agreed the following points:
- Students of each participating country create lyrics to the music of Europe anthem (Ode to Joy. Symphony No. 9.Beethoven).
- Each country sends all lyrics that their students have written to Spanish coordinator before 20-XII-2010 (Before Christmas Holidays)
- At each school, songs are voted.
- On 28-I-2011, each school has the winner lyric, and all countries inform about which one has been to the coordinator of the Project.
- The winner song is recorded by the group and all of us bring it to the Project meeting in France.
- Spanish team collects them and uploads into the Project website before 26-II- 2011.
- Students from all participant schools vote for the best performance online from 12th to 19th March 2011.
- On 19th March Spanish Coordinator informs about the winner song.
- For the last meeting in Lithuania, all participants will perform the winner song in the live concert, which will take place in the meeting.